Sunday, December 29, 2013

SEO Training 8: Strategic Marketing Plan

Before we start our daily dose of SEO, let's make a recap on our previous lesson, remember our Marketing Plan? To give you an insight regarding with our company or every one goal is to get traffic and convert these traffic and in that moment Strategic Marketing Plan follows. Both strategic marketing plans are of different steps, you need to produce a traffic first before you could do a conversion.

How are we going deal with this one?

One effective marketing strategy is for you to become a resource.
Resource - whenever you provide something that can help someone, it's a resource and when it is shared, you get followers.
How can you be a resource?

The answer is, by selling ideas and not selling your product/service.

In dealing by selling your product or service you must take a note on Useful and Commercial Ideas.

Difference between Useful and Commercial Ideas?

Useful Ideas - useful, interesting and unique ideas
Commercial Ideas - no useful, interesting and unique ideas
Commercial Idea - is a plain marketing spiel of a product or service, customers will be attracted if they need or want it. but if they don't, your product/service is nothing but a piece of trash waiting to be picked up, it's the same with twitter or other marketing platforms. whatever you say about your product or service, it will be nothing to anyone who sees it,  unless you have a useful, interesting, and unique ideas, which makes a commercial idea become interesting to people who needs it, who wants it, and even people who don't need or want it.
In conclusion Strategic Marketing Plan needs you to be a resource and selling your ideas.

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SEO Training 7: Search Engine

Another daily dose of SEO lecture today with Joy, so for now we are going to tackled about Search Engine.

Let's get started!

1. What's the Goal of a Search Engine?
Me- To provide the users the relevant searches or info that they need

Corn - Index Stuff
2. Define relevant searches?
Me- literally relevant connected to what you are looking for
In this question Joy gave us an example so both Corn and I will determine if our answer were correct. 

Example 1: keyword "SANTORUM" (NOTE: I don't know what Santorum is all about).

According to Joy if we checked the 6th result in Google SERP, we'll find the definition of Santorum, then his follow-up question "is that relevant?"
Me - For search engine relevance means simply finding the a page with the right words - the more the popular a website/page/document - so basically it is more on popularity.
Example 2:

If Google improved what yahoo did, then why is it that when i search for the keyword "CLICK HERE" on both yahoo, bing, and google (3 major search engines in the world), I see these results

In this part Joy showed us a screen shot of CLICK HERE (keyword) using three major search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing. Which is better among the three?

These 3 major search engines contains different result, why this happen? simply due to optimization. If your going to ask who among this three is better, it's YAHOO, why? 


Let's make a recap back again with question number 1. So basically our answer were correct it's just that the search engines wasn't able to get their goal, this is the reason behind search engine updates (penguin, panda, humming bird)


Search Engine use spiders to crawl in the website to get the data search engine needed. after collecting the data, spiders then stores it in a search engine database. once it is stored, all of the data collected are sorted to their respective sections and categories which is then called index or catalog. This index are waiting to be fetched by the search engine interface. Once the searcher types the keyword in the search box, the search engine will go in the database and looks for the most relevant website or webpages. now, to be able for search engines achieve its goal (to provide high quality content), spiders will then crawl again to the website the searcher clicks using a keyword phrase. These spiders will collect the data again and store it in the database. the final task of the search is ticking the counter. so if i search for a certain keyword the spider will count the website I clicked, as quality content. Now, search engine knows which website has quality content. once a new searcher clicks again on the website with the same keyword term. That's when the search engine will tag the website as the highest quality content.

In short:
crawlers/spiders -- is a system that collects data
index -- is the data collected stored in search engine database
search interface -- is the website where information are displayed

3. What is the most effective strategy to get high value in search engine algorithm?

Through Content and Community Building

4.  Why do businesses chose to market on the web?
 It's Cheaper

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

SEO Training 6: Evergreen Content & Guest Blogging

For today SEO Training Diary we will focus on Evergreen Content and Guest Blogging, this would be used as one of the SEO strategy. To start our daily routine before we face Joy we have to do this assignment. Searching Advance our homework to start our discussion.

Difference Between Evergreen Content & Ordinary Content

Evergreen Content

- Content that is simply an informational or reference material that somehow never goes out of date. However the content can still relies on current trends but mostly full informational contents like e-book.

- Based from a tree that grows as time passes

Ordinary Content
- Is the same like the Evergreen Content, the only difference is that they have limited time.

Difference Between Evergreen Content & Content Re-purposing

Evergreen Content is the first unique content while repurpose are ideas based from Evergreen, once you update your old content it's repurposing.

To enlighten you up guys Content Repurposing is not included on the strategy that we are going to use. Simply to avoid redundancy or duplicate of content and also Humming Bird Update.

Guest Blogging

So based on my understanding about Guest Blogging, is that you will contact a certain blog owner/webmaster and asked them if you can write articles for them in return the owner/webmaster will allow you to get backlinks; it can also be someone will contact you if they can write for you and in return you will also give them backlinks.

For now Guest Blogging is one of the most used Link Building of any SEO, simply Google Algorithm doesn't have any role in Guest Blogging, Google will see your content as an ordinary blog that needs ranking. But the problem with Guest Blogging is the community even though you've done this Guest Blogging, blog is not socially active and it will not provide your objectives.

To end this session about Guest Blogging I will leave you with Matt Cutts quotable quotes:

According to Matt Cutts, Guest posts can be problematic:

"The problem is that if we look at the overall volume of guest posting we see a large number of people who are offering guest blogs or guest blog articles where they are writing the same article and producing multiple copies of it and emailing out of the blue and they will create the same low quality types of articles that people used to put on article directory or article bank sites.”

“If people just move away from doing article banks or article directories or article marketing to guest blogging and they don’t raise their quality thresholds for the content, then that can cause problems.”

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

SEO Training 5: Marketing Plan and Strategic Marketing Plan for SocialSEO

My Daily Dose of SEO Training starts this Monday, I'm on a solo-flight since Corn is off today, for today I was a little bit busy (yeah every Monday is my busy day here in the office). To start the topic and part of our Daily Routine with Joy is that we always have this Q/A portion so we can derive with the answer. That is why I decided that in this page I'll make it also a Q/A portion so you can further understand what I mean.

Question 1: Are you guys using Marketing Plan?

When this question was raised part of me, were shocked, simply I am not sure if I am going to nailed or screwed my answer with this one and of course I am not sure if it's okay to disclose certain information. So to make it short he ended up asking me what is my task.

Question 2: What are your Marketing Plans for your Company?

In this case, my answer where into changing our Old Marketing Plans to a new  one (I mean changing the old school style), since I am involved with the SEO & Social media community in our company.

Then Joy has this follow-up answer that Marketing Plan is nothing but a few dreams

Question 3: Why did I (Joy) think that it's just pure dreams of a marketer/company?

Answer: Because the marketing plan is promising yet, Google algorithm changes  including Matt Cutts their defender to burn all those AB Testing that we are planning

Another follow-up answer from Joy:

Marketing plan is a promising plan for your campaigns. you don't know if it will work to get your end goal objectives.

so basically Marketing Plan is:

1 - you do your marketing plan
2 - you analyze what everything that you have done for the rest of the month
3 - you tweak your marketing plan as part of your strategic marketing plan.

Difference between Marketing Plan and  Strategic Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan - is your first plan, on how you are going to market your product/services 
Strategic Plan - your 2nd plan, this comes with the outcome of your marketing plan, if your marketing plans hit the goal or not then you have to derive in improving the areas that need attention and also improve the areas that helping your product/service
Before the training ended he asked me to look/search for ways to increase website, so I've tried to do my research and find the trending ways to increase website traffic, and deriving with an answer like this:

1 Content marketing
2 Evergreen Content
3 Guest Blogging
4 utilize Social Media
5 Participate on Forums

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Friday, December 13, 2013

SEO Training 4: Internet Marketing (part 2)

For today it was a continuation about Internet Marketing Strategy, the subject of Internet Marketing Strategy may be a little broad for you guys (hahahahaha...) Anyway the for the first part we have tackled about Affiliates Marketing and Content and Blogging. Next part is all about Community Building.

Community Building

What comes into your mind when you heard the word Community Building? Here's my answer:

"Never heard; maybe it is more into building your relationship with your audience, how you engage, how you handle certain questions"

Not knowing that my answer is basically Community Building (hahahaha) to start Community Building is literally building a community, where you have to analyze the interest your community loves for you to be able to take advantages on them.

Anyway we have this assignment where we have to check a certain websites, and finds the companies that connected with it. Unfortunately Corn and I find out the start-up companies and the right answer was the one who sponsored this start-up companies.

To enlightened you guys there are companies who are funding small companies, this is because they want the start-up companies to be notice globally.

1. How does Community Building starts the process in this?

To give you an insight about the website that I am talking about or my Website Assignment, This is how it Goes:

Community building started by educating our audience about web development, web designs, mobile app development, and internet marketing. Then we conduct yearly competition and some sponsored competition, so they can get the job from us. What our community members know is that we (as part of the company) are educating them to become successful. What they don't know is that we, are using the community to build our future employees and future web developers, designers, and marketers to make business. - Joy answer

2. Does Educating is one of the Community Building Strategy?

it is the most effective, and we've been doing that since 2007- Joy answer

So there you go, that is Community Building all about, hope it enlightened and help you guys :)

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SEO Training 3: Internet Marketing (part 1)

It was my off day when Internet Marketing was discuss, but I was able to catch-up anyway to start my Daily Dose of SEO, for today I'll be talking about Internet Marketing.

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing is the reason why marketers are being paid by their business to personalize the marketing strategy, it's marketing about what your customers want to feel for the business to be heard and become visible. So what do I mean about Personalize Marketing:
Personalized Marketing is an Internet Marketing Strategy that cannot be copied, reason why it cannot be copied because the idea and the goal was set to be personalized.

Internet Marketing Strategy:
  • Affiliates Marketing 
One way to do internet marketing, when we say Affiliates they are the one who markets the company products for a commission.
So basically this is what I am doing with job I am working as an Affiliate (pretty cool huh?!) when you worked as affiliates you have to create/think something for your company since our goal is to drive traffic and how to get them in our services
  • Blogging/Content Marketing
Blog is a short term for web log, logs or records of opinions of what happened on a certain event. 
Blogging is a verb that is used by website owners to tell updates for their visitors, when internet marketing booms in the web world. blogging became a marketing tool of companies to tell their visitors about what's new in their products/services.
Unbranded Website - is to have a community and not just to promote products 
Reasons why we need unbranded micro websites?
  • Simply potential customers can talk bout your content and this will be the start of Social Interaction; It is also not bias when you have to make decisions.

Overall, the discussion was to enlightened what is Internet Marketing all about how it works, finding out what the problem is all about and for us to think how can we do this AB testing and Personalized Marketing. Of course we don't want to be just the one that everybody sees and copies rather an Influential one.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SEO Training 2: AB Testing

It was my second day SEO Training for today and it's a one-on-one training with Sir Joy by the way missing you Corn meet-up on Wednesday (hahahaha)

Anyway to start-up with our daily dose of SEO, Joy asked me when I did started using, as far as my memory concern I was using blogger since 2009 (I was frustrated writer back then) so the conversation is purely about how things just started and how it went blue then red.

Round 1:
Joy Question to me: Why do you think the company is spending money for SEO training? and not Social Media Training? though i know, you've had social media training before this SEO

I believed this can also help their business and for me as well as a job marketer. When google releases Penguin & Panda (company) also need to find what are the changes that can make or help them. SEO is not into off page rather also on-page as well. All in all (company) needs to divert with the changes that is happening on the Google community.

He also included on my answer Hummingbird Bird.

After ending that conversation we proceed next chapter is AB Testing, to start AB testing first let us define AB Testing:

AB Testing is a two different strategy that you are to compare or measure those two and analyze which of the two is more effective and can lead you to your main GOAL. To do this we must first set up our clear GOAL, for us to find what’s the end point of our efforts and what are we trying to reach and how are we going to measure it.

Round 2 : Setting up a Goal

Goal: desired result from something that you are doing
Websites 3 Goals: Traffic, Ranking and Conversion (Return of Investment)

To start with AB testing we must need to define our goal.

Round 3: Setting up AB Testing  RINSE - RECYCLE - REPEAT

Put the strategy on A side and create new strategy on B side then analyze the result of both side, then apply then apply the strategy of the better side.

if B is better than A, then you apply the strategy on the current month (C-side), then create a new strategy based from A-side strategy then compare it again with C-side. C-side becomes A-side and the former A-side becomes B-side.

Round 4: Converting Traffic to Money

  • This is the time when your traffic responded to what you want them to do (or the conversion that you are aiming).
  • Another one is that Advertisement on your website, if someone visited your website and clicks on those ads, then your lucky because you've got them.

Basically setting-up AB testing would always requires you to start from the scratch since Google Algorithm always changes, it's a big NO to do those strategies that isn't working for your company and a waste of time if you focus on the same strategy that don't work.

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Friday, December 6, 2013

SEO Training 1: The Basic

My first SEO class started today December 6, 2013 with Sir Joy de Guzman, first we have this Introduction the usual questions like what we are doing in the company or the task I mean. And this brought us to get the session started.

Here are the things that we tackled:

1. Deep Searching

- is the ability on how you will find what you really looking for (literally digging a deep search for relative topics)
*This topic was open-up so Sir Joy would know where to start his topic, and for us to find out our way as a job marketer.
2. Getting rid of the MYTH about SEO

- this one are not the usual and old school definition that we always find in Google or any definition dictionary about SEO is a strategy that is used to improved the visibility of the website or the webpage on SERP.
Social Networks:
- can also make website visible in search engine results pages
- can provide web traffic more than a search engine can do
- PPC can also provide you 100% traffic based on your budget

Pay per Click:

PPC (Pay-per-Click) is a paid temporary search engine service. while SEO is a free fluctuating but mostly permanent search engine service.You pay for every click based on the bidding of the marketer, for you to be relevant, you need to bid.

SEO is not a strategy anymore, it is a way to get traffic from people who searches for relevant searches
* In this topic SEO was clearly defined that they are not a strategy since social network can also make traffic and also PPC. Simply Google Algorithm changes from time to time and for Google to take advantage of their PPC Market, same thing with Yahoo and Bing and other Browser that provides ad services.
3. Social Media Specialist 
- as a Social Media Specialist it's not all about doing your job literally but basically planning and strategized how to improve your business and getting traffics to conversion. When our targeted market heard about our business and get interested this a way for us to know that what we are doing are effective.

All in all the training is just about the Introduction to SEO and our Job, this subject is about debunking all the myths that we know in SEO and to understand how the market changes.

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